Italian Supreme Court: Importance of the Court Expert in Litigation (EIPR, 1/2023)
Ochrona własności przemysłowej z włoskiej perspektywy: czy warto? in ‘Własność intelektualna i jej efektywne wykorzystywanie w działalności przedsiębiorstwa’, KUL 2019 (IP rights protection from Italian perspective: should we do that? a chapter in the volume ‘Intellectual property and its effective application in companies’ activity’, edited by KUL, 2019)
Calculation of damages for copyright infringement in Italy (EIPR, 2/2018)
Court of Turin on the Doctrine of Equivalents: When do the equivalents really apply? (EIPR, 11/2016); The Italian supreme court’s revirement on bifurcated cases and consequences for the Italian patent litigation (EIPR, 12/2016)
Claims limitation in Italy (EIPR, 12/2014)
The latest Italian case law on Cross-Border and Italian Torpedo Actions (EIPR, 12/2013)
Equivalents in Italy(EIPR, 7/2012) and The Italian test for establishing right to invention under dispute (EIPR, 11/2012)
Prior use in patent litigation in Italy (EIPR, 7/2011)
Disclosure: when the solution’s accessibility may be considered public (EIPR, 1/2010)
The proof of patent disclosure (EIPR, 12/2009) and How should non-obviousness be explained (EIPR, 12/2009)
Pharmaceutical patents in Italy: hot topics, IP in the life sciences industries 2009, special issue of Intellectual Asset Management magazine
Equivalence according to FWR approach (EIPR, 6/2008), Scope of protection of the patent (EIPR. 11/2008) and Relevance of affidavits as prior art (EIPR, 11/2008), Deferring execution of a court order pending appeal (EIPR, 5/2008)
Inventive step evaluation (EIPR, 4/2007)
Violation of know how and trade secrets; Jurisdiction of Divisions specialized in Intellectual Property in Italy (EIPR, 6/2006); Invalidity of patents, enabling disclosure and doctrine of equivalents (EIPR, 8/2006); Relevance of affidavits in patent litigation (EIPR, 1/2006)
Interim action for non-infringement (EIPR, 11/2005)
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