The Firm dedicates great attention to pro-bono activity. It supports various non-profit organizations and is proactively engaged in charitable initiatives, encouraging its professionals to devote part of their time to such activities.
Among the non-profit organizations, the firm supports “Alessandra x Le Donne”, a non-profit medical-scientific association created in memory of Alessandra Peluso, to support women’s health, providing also information activities on cancer prevention and fundraising initiatives - carried out in collaboration with the Italian university network, with various scientific research centres as well as with other public and private bodies - for the promotion of knowledge and of medical research in the field of oncology.
The Firm was also created to prioritise respect for people in relationships with clients, colleagues and their families. It promotes flexible working of its employees through personalised plans and looks favourably on the so-called “3P strategy”, in the firm belief that those of “People” and “Planet” can - and must - be reconciled with that of a sustainable, but also rewarding, “Profit” which allows everyone to find their own path in harmony with others and in the best possible working environment, so that everyone is put in a position to give their very best. These principles guide us every day both in the choice and in the execution of each mandate, in which each individual is required to combine the utmost professional diligence with the care of a good father. The Firm respects all diversities and implements inclusion.
We believe that climate change is a global emergency that must be tackled now, starting from our own small way, in everyday choices. The Firm is in favour of the implementation of a circular economy, it respects and strives to enforce ESG factors, from policies with a limited environmental impact to careful and efficient management of energy consumption and resources.